
Plot Pyramid Variety!

Just finished our progression from August through scaffolded plot diagrams!


Classroom Photos! Who doesn't love a peek in someone else's room?!

Word "Panda"monium Word Wall: I use magnets to put up unit words and then have students play games where they race to grab the right one when they hear the definition or we use it in context. 

 Back corner view

 Our Table of Contents for Interactive Notebooks. Materials found here: Lovin' Lit. 
 Keeping with our panda theme... out bamboozled game show!
 How I'm currently using "Currently in the classroom" For the resource click here.
 Toolbox for the kiddos.
 Games/Rewards/ Incentives where I can see them at all times and not forget about them! My favorite back-to-school shopping is the birthday aisle at Michael's- themed boxes and tokens for table competitions!
 Cheap shelves from Walmart made the perfect table dividers, space savers, and extra storage. 
 A little spray paint on clear boxes for organized supplies and free boxes from the post office for student mailboxes!
 Organized exit slip boxes for each class period, and a display of the day's question make this an easy part of our class period. Check out 25 exit slips here!
 Controlling the noise...
 Splitting the board with electrical tape is an organizational life saver!
 classroom door view
 New strategy for word work.
 Love the words, love the display even more- Felt attached to the door with close pins so it is easy to change out and store for next year!
And finally, our class fish: Felipe


Synthesizing Sources to Create Brochures for the Underworld!

Our last "creative" 8th grade project before watching The Odyssey was to take multiple reference sources describing the underworld and make a travel brochure:


A Week of Roller Coasters!

Just finished this awesome Roller Coaster cross-curricular unit from Lovin' Lit on TpT. My kids LOVED this unit and the supplemental videos :) I was able to use it in my 6th grade class and we did a subject a day:
 Social Studies